PowerQuest 0.19.4
No Matches
IInventory Interface Reference

Detailed Description

Inventory: Contains functions and data for manipluating Inventory Items - Eg.

    I.Active.Description = "A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle"           
    if ( I.Sword.Active )
        Display: You can't use a sword on that
    if ( I.HeavyRock.EverCollected )
        Dave: I'm not lugging any more of those around          

Inherits IQuestClickableInterface.


string Description [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the name shown to players.
string Anim [get, set]
 Use for setting the Gui AND cursor sprite/animation for the inventory item. Useful if the same sprite is used on both the gui and the cursor.
string AnimGui [get, set]
 Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item on the Gui.
string AnimCursor [get, set]
 Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item for the cursor.
string AnimCursorInactive [get, set]
 Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item for the cursor, when not over a clickable object.
string ScriptName [get]
 The name used in scripts.
bool Active [get, set]
 Whether this item is the active item for the current player (ie: selected item to use on stuff)
bool Owned [get, set]
 Whether the current player has the item in their inventory.
int QuantityOwned [get, set]
 How many of the item the current player has in their inventory (For stackable items)
bool EverCollected [get]
 Whether the item has ever been collected.
bool FirstUse [get]
 Returns true the first time the player "uses" the object.
bool FirstLook [get]
 Returns true the first time the player "looked" at the object.
int UseCount [get]
 Returns the number of times player has "used" at the object. 0 when it's the first click on the object.
int LookCount [get]
 Returns the number of times player has "looked" at the object. 0 when it's the first click on the object.
Inventory Data [get]
 Access to the base class with extra functionality used by the PowerQuest.

Public Member Functions

void Add (int quantity=1)
 Gives the inventory item to the current player. Same as C.Player.AddInventory(item)
void AddAsActive (int quantity=1)
 Gives the inventory item to the current player and set's it as active inventory. Same as C.Player.AddInventory(item)
void Remove (int quantity=1)
 Removes the item from the current player. Same as C.Player.RemoveInventory(item)
void SetActive ()
 Sets this item as the active item for the current player (ie: selected item to use on stuff)
GetScript< T > ()
 PowerQuest internal function: Access to the specific quest script for the object. Use the specific item class as the templated parameter so you can access specific members of the script. Eg: GetScript<InventoryKey>().m_inDoor = true;.

Property Documentation

◆ Description

string Description

Gets/Sets the name shown to players.

◆ Anim

string Anim

Use for setting the Gui AND cursor sprite/animation for the inventory item. Useful if the same sprite is used on both the gui and the cursor.

◆ AnimGui

string AnimGui

Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item on the Gui.

◆ AnimCursor

string AnimCursor

Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item for the cursor.

◆ AnimCursorInactive

string AnimCursorInactive

Use for setting the sprite/animation for the inventory item for the cursor, when not over a clickable object.

◆ ScriptName

string ScriptName

The name used in scripts.

◆ Active

bool Active

Whether this item is the active item for the current player (ie: selected item to use on stuff)

◆ Owned

bool Owned

Whether the current player has the item in their inventory.

◆ QuantityOwned

int QuantityOwned

How many of the item the current player has in their inventory (For stackable items)

◆ EverCollected

bool EverCollected

Whether the item has ever been collected.

◆ FirstUse

bool FirstUse

Returns true the first time the player "uses" the object.

◆ FirstLook

bool FirstLook

Returns true the first time the player "looked" at the object.

◆ UseCount

int UseCount

Returns the number of times player has "used" at the object. 0 when it's the first click on the object.

◆ LookCount

int LookCount

Returns the number of times player has "looked" at the object. 0 when it's the first click on the object.

◆ Data

Inventory Data

Access to the base class with extra functionality used by the PowerQuest.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add()

void Add ( int quantity = 1)

Gives the inventory item to the current player. Same as C.Player.AddInventory(item)

◆ AddAsActive()

void AddAsActive ( int quantity = 1)

Gives the inventory item to the current player and set's it as active inventory. Same as C.Player.AddInventory(item)

◆ Remove()

void Remove ( int quantity = 1)

Removes the item from the current player. Same as C.Player.RemoveInventory(item)

◆ SetActive()

void SetActive ( )

Sets this item as the active item for the current player (ie: selected item to use on stuff)

◆ GetScript< T >()

T GetScript< T > ( )

PowerQuest internal function: Access to the specific quest script for the object. Use the specific item class as the templated parameter so you can access specific members of the script. Eg: GetScript<InventoryKey>().m_inDoor = true;.

Type Constraints
T :InventoryScript<T>